東京近郊!川越まつりの伝統文化を学び体験する半日ガイド付きツアー » 株式会社 彩いろまち研究所 (ayairo-machi.co.jp)
東京近郊!學習體驗川越祭傳統文化的半天行程(含導覽人員) » 株式会社 彩いろまち研究所 (ayairo-machi.co.jp)
Tokyo suburbs! A half-day guided tour to learn and experience the traditional culture of the Kawagoe Festival » 株式会社 彩いろまち研究所 (ayairo-machi.co.jp)
“Information on a special “festival experience” tour to be held in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture”
Foreign Monitors.com Registered Monitors
This is a guide to a special “festival experience” tour to be held in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture in January 2025.
This tour is a special experience tour for inbound tourists and foreigners living in Japan that will be held for only “4 days” in January.
The tour is limited to 20 people at a time, but before the start of full-scale sales for inbound tourists, we received special guidance from foreign monitor .com in advance.
In Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, where the Edo atmosphere remains within one hour from Tokyo, it is a special experience tour where you can enjoy the “ohayashi” performed at the annual festival in a special tatami room, pairing a traditional Japanese multi-course meal with Japan sake, and enjoying the townscape of Kurazukuri.
Please see the link below for details, and if you are interested, please book a tour!
株式会社地域デザインラボさいたま 担当:大山
Mail teppei.oyama@labtama.saitamaresona.co.jp